With an ever-increasing need for assistance for children and teenagers with disabilities, UDS has a variety of services to meet each child’s disability needs.
Umbrella Disability Services is an approved Specialised Substitute Residential Care (SSRC) Provider registered by the Office of the Children’s Guardian to provide centre-based Out-of-Home Care.
If support is needed to assist with care for children and young people with disability outside the family home, Umbrella Disability Services can assist. Voluntary out of home care provides respite for children and young people who are living with their family members or carers.
Umbrella offers SSRC away from the home setting. Services available under this model of service delivery may include:
- Overnight support
- Transport eg. collecting the child from school
- Community activities such as sport
- After school care/during school holidays
- Sometimes, these services can be funded through NDIS

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Umbrella Disability Services Australia acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we operate and pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise the enduring relationship Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have with Country and that sovereignty was never ceded.