Umbrella Disability Services provides culturally respectful supports and recognise the diversity and choice of individuals, family and their carers.
Umbrella Disability Services is responsive to each participant and family’s needs and aims to promote independence and maximise community participation through providing culturally appropriate and flexible services reflecting the participant and their family’s preferences, changing circumstances and needs.
Umbrella Disability Services is committed to Person Centred approaches and recognises that people with disability are the key decision makers in determining their supports and actively participate in decision-making about the planning, implementation and review of all supports they receive.
We believe that the services we deliver to our participants and the families/carers must be of the highest standard and that we must develop and provide written procedures for the delivery of services against the NDIS Practice Standards and the National Disability Service Standards. This provides clarity to participants, families and carers about what they can expect from our services.

To achieve this Umbrella Disability Services will:
Work with other services, professionals and the broader community to provide a range of services to meet individual needs and choices and which support access to culturally appropriate community and recreational activities.
Be focused and responsiveness to the needs and strengths of participants at all stages of the delivery of a service and assist each person to work towards effective and achievable service outcomes.
Work in collaboration with government and non-government programs delivering person centred services to people with disability and their carers and families.
Provide the best possible service at all times based on the latest evidence and that this service, where possible, is self-directed by the participant and/or their family/guardian and that it achieves the specified outcomes.
Ensure that all participants and their family’s/carers are treated with respect and have easy and honest communication with support workers, supervisors, managers, and other services staff.
Ensure that all service users participate in decisions that affect them and have the opportunity to provide feedback about service delivery and organisational governance, which in turn informs our ongoing quality assurance process.
Ensure that family, and their position as part of the community, are acknowledged as important and part of the planning process.
Ensure that staff delivering our services have the necessary skills to perform the duties required of them the work.
Make certain that the staff that provide our services, are well supported, have appropriate job descriptions and access to the resources that they need to undertake their work, including information and equipment.
Adhere to all necessary probity requirements and legislation to guarantee all staff that are providing our services have the highest level of integrity, professionalism and standards.
Put in place systems that are designed and implemented to prevent accidental or inadvertent harm to participants and staff during the delivery of services.
Provide participants and/or their family/carers that have concerns, the ability to talk to someone immediately and have their concerns dealt with to their satisfaction and in a timely fashion.
Manage the organisation competently, in line with the relevant legislation, reporting requirements and in a way that best meets the needs of the participants, their families or carers.
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Umbrella Disability Services Australia acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we operate and pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging. We recognise the enduring relationship Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples have with Country and that sovereignty was never ceded.